How to Submit Your Programme for Inclusion in the Diary
Members of the Association are invited to submit their programme of meetings for inclusion in the list that can be downloaded from this site.
To avoid the burden of preparation of the list falling on a single volunteer it has been agreed that groups must supply their programme electronically and follow exactly the simple prescribed format shown below. This will ensure compliance with the long established ‘house style’ for the list. Naturally, help is available, should it be required.
Here are some samples to show you how its done:
16/09/2010#Leckhampton Local History Society#Cheese Rolling in Gloucestershire (Jean Jefferies)#St Philip & St James’ Church House, Painswick Road#8-00 pm
16/09/2010#Slimbridge Local History Society#A History of Hats (Mrs Alexandra Stanbrook)#Slimbridge Village Hall#7-30 pm
As above, you just need put the following for every talk [Tips below].
Date#Society name#topic and speaker (speaker in brackets)#Venue#Time
Note: you must use of the hash (#) character to separate the different parts of the item.
When complete please email your programme to either
(1) in the body of the email or,
(2) in a Word or OpenOffice document as an attachment to the email or,
(3) in a ‘text’ document as an attachment to the email.
Each entry to be on a single line please (don’t worry if they “word wrap”).
Please do not use a spreadsheet or include blank lines in your submission
Key Points
Date must be in form 01/09/2015 or 01/09/15.
Topic may be shortened if too long. Speaker’s name must be in brackets () with a space before the brackets ().
Please omit speakers qualifications and affiliation – just e.g. Richard Smith
However you can include an academic title (e.g. Prof, Dr) e.g. Dr Richard Smith.
Venue should not have ‘full address’.
Time must be of form 7-30 pm or if on the hour 8-00 pm (use a dash not a dot, and a space before the ‘pm’).
Please do not include “past” or “To be announced” events, as they will be deleted.
The most common errors (please check before sending)
A space before or after the “#”
Incorrect date format.
If you need assistance please contact Ray Wilson 01453-860595